just talking heads. If they really think they are plugged into god then they belong in a more suitable accommodation.
I wonder who or what has got their hands up them pulling the strings.
are the governing body really in charge or are they just a figurehead with the real power being behind the curtain .
just talking heads. If they really think they are plugged into god then they belong in a more suitable accommodation.
I wonder who or what has got their hands up them pulling the strings.
women make up the main population of the kingdom halls, and the pool of young males willing to step up to "serve" is drying up.
what is the likelihood of "new light" on jw women in ministry roles formerly held only by males?.
what!! next thing it will be the brothers cleaning the toilets.
in the 70's a bethel elder told me that every morning in the 60's the paint and scaffold crew, (which was located on the 5th floor of building 4) would go up to the roof and walk around the perimeter on top of the ledge, which i doubt was more than 12" wide.
then they'd go render sacred service to jehovah..
the number of ex bethel boys on here never fails to surprise me.
even elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
what i meant was--its too late--by many years--to try to build bridges with my family. Its their choice--not mine. But if i thought that me attending the occasional talk could smooth the way for them--i would give it a try.
Ive no interest in any religion--and the whole idea of life after death--or armageddon--is just laughable nonsense. Just stuff to encourage soldiers into battle.
I spent several years in the 70's attending some meetings to appease the wife. I hated every minute of it--i had already resigned to the elders. I was never d/f'd.
even elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
problem for me is i'm not agnostic--i'm atheist. To me its a case of " in the beginning man made god"
But i would consider jwlite--it it meant by attending occasionally my son and daughter might speak to me. But realistically its far too late for that.
i am looking for vocal renditions of some the kingdom songs in this old songbook: sing praises to jehovah.
most of my favorite kingdom songs are from that songbook and i would love to download them on my phone.
i enjoy listening to vocal renditions of kingdom melodies.
even elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
this jw lite thing is nothing new. When i was in it--in the 60s--the majority of men attending did so to appease their rabid lunatic jesus freak wives. These guys just sat through meetings--never commenting--just asleep with their eyelids open. Never went out on field service--just never got involved. Nice enough to chat to--about anything except the religion. Many smoked.
Then there were the nisan kids--seen just once a year to get their membership card renewed.
the magazine that they are studying in the congregation this month has an article at the back about how pornography in a marriage could damage the relationship.. there's one piece of advice that sounds rather scary, the wt suggests that the couple should "consider asking an elder with whom you are both comfortable to sit in and guide your discussions for a time.".
how many of you would want an elder present in your home while you and your partner discussed your personal sexual cravings and the type of porn videos being watched?.
after being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
i'm sure the world is flat--so i wont go to near the edge in case i fall off. But i also have faith that an angel would catch me if i do.
after being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
ex bethelite etc
you keep mentioning HOPE: hope in/of what exactly? are you afraid of the future ?